On the Hunt. . .Looking for 52Teas. . .
Hello all!
This may be a long shot-but I am currently looking for any 52Teas that peeps may be willing to sell to me or swap with me for. I am not a fan of red rooibos but anything else- I would love to take off of your hands. . . I would particularly love any Graveyard Mist (my ultimate fav tea) that anybody has or the Peach Blackberry Crumble.
Thanks all!
Hi Nichole!
I’ve got quite a few different teas from them – not sure that I still have Graveyard Mist or Peach Blackberry Crumble but I’ll send you some of what I do have when I put together a Sororitea box for you …hopefully next month?
You did see that Graveyard Mist was one of the reblends for their Kickstarter, yes? $10 for 1.5-2oz bag. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/497705217/the-52teas-reboot-we-are-making-extraordinary-teas
I did and actually pledged to get at least 4 of the larger sized bags of it and will probably up my pledge to get more. I just didn’t know if anybody had any 52Teas they wanted to clear out of their stash and recoup some of their money for it. Thanks tho!
Yep :) And just to see if anybody wanted to get rid of anything they had. Tea hoarders unite! :)
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