New York ISC Postal Sort Center
I have several packages that China Post says they sent to the USA but USPS does not acknowledge they are in this country.They have been missing for some time. They may be stuck in that black hole called the ISC. My question is, does anyone have the current phone number for the ISC Service Center at JFK International Airport. As the post office often has more information on a package than is shown on tracking I may be able to confirm these packages are in the USA. Does anyone have a phone number for the ISC NY?
I suggest reading the comments section here
Many people experiencing this problem. The same advice is given each time, call Post Office Customr Service center, or file a postal complaint. It is not possible to call the ISC directly.
I know from my postmaster that anything stuck in a customs center is beyond the reach of my post office. They cannot help when my tea is stuck. It can take months and yes the package can be ruined. If humor helps, I wrote out my experience of this in my blog here
I will not order any Spring tea for the same reason. i had good laughs. thanks, pleasure as always ;)
Yeah I feel for Allan here but then I can just hear my postmaster saying “you’ll be drinking that tea by fall” in all seriousness. I hope it isn’t that long. I guess I’m fortunate that most of my packages are flown to Chicago customs. I’ve stopped ordering from YS in China if I can possibly help it, using the U.S. one instead.
Also I don’t know how/why EBay tea sellers can ship free and I get it in two weeks or less but our other tea companies charge $20 or more and we wait a month.
Allan, I also have major problems if my tea goes thru SF facilities. Could take up to a month just sitting there
It is if if the postal service takes their most incompetent employees and places them in the ISC to work.
What drives me nuts is when you are pretty sure its there but the post office hasn’t scanned the package yet and insists its still in China.
I live in NJ so my packages so through there too. I had a box of samples from Nilgiri show up three months later looking like it had been to hell and back.
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