Period Tea

I was just curious if anyone has any suggestions for some teas to drink on your period. Either to help reduce flow or cramps, anything. PS. If your a guy, I’m sorry.

28 Replies

Here is one I recently picked up for other reasons. I can’t say it will help or vouch for it-but it does taste good. I’ve tried most of theirs and I’m impressed with them!

I use this one! It is one of the only ones that tastes good and actually helps my cramps

no luck on a flow reducer yet :(

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OMara said

Raspberry Leaves is what my sisters use. However, I tend to drink black teas as the caffeine does wonders for my cramps and irritability (and it fills me up which helps curb my hunger and sugar cravings).

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Tea doesn’t work for me, I’ve tried a lot and gave up. Heating pad, drugs and death threats on my uterus seem to work.

Ost said

xD I am pretty much the same haha!

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I use raspberry leaves (which I mix with chamomile, the herbal/honey/sweet blend is delightful) but try to just drink more tea in general. I find I need less painkiller if I stay hydrated. And I am pretty sure the placebo effect helps out the cramps.

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I usually go for Licorice root, marshmallow leaf, or raspberry. Oh, and the most ridiculous dessert tea I have. Recently it was White Chocolate peppermint from Teavana.

On a side note, Salonpas pain relief patches where it hurts. It feels SO good :P

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Cwyn said

I have black cohosh but honestly I wouldn’t mess around with herbs and cramps. If they are really painful, a half tab of Hydrocodone is the way to go along with an Advil. Also, have sex.


sniff I wish period sex still worked for me, makes my cramps worse…stupid uterus!!

Uniquity said

My body is either really smart, or really dumb. It latches onto that last desperate chance at pregnancy and then the period pauses for a bit. Which is nice, except then it lasts longer. Really smart? Maybe?

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Drinking hibiscus helps me. If you can’t stand it on its own, hot, you may want to try it iced, or at least cold-brewed.

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Lindsay said

Yeah, I’m with Cwyn on this one – pharmaceuticals all the way. :) Ibuprofen (Advil) or Naproxen (Aleve), regular dosing, start before it gets bad and continue as long as necessary. Then drink whatever tea makes you happiest, because you deserve a treat. ;)

+1 for Aleve. I’ve not had a tea yet that helps, so drugs it is. ;)

I’d be a bit scared to drink something that messed with flow.

aleve/naproxen is tha bomb. I dunno how I managed without it.

OMara said

Pamprin max is amazing. Though I frequently take alieve instead as it helps with my killer headaches (actually caused by my sinuses).

Uniquity said

I hate period headaches. They are NOT FAIR.

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Uniquity said

Interesting! I tend to tough it out. Acetaminophen doesn’t work for me, so I take ibuprofen for pain. Unfortunately, it tends to give me heartburn as it is hard on the stomach, so I often don’t even take that. Lots of water, hot water bottle when I’m at home, and toughing it out. Uteruses (I don’t know how to pluralize it!) are the worst.

Uniquity said

I don’t want to make it sound like if you don’t “tough it out” you’re weaker. It hurts. A lot. I am probably an idiot for toughing it out. That’s just how it was as I grew up and I guess I got used to it. Also, medication not working properly for me makes it a bit of a crapshoot.

I said bye bye to mine and it was the best thing ever. I was doubled over on a heating pad for two days every month, couldn’t leave the house.

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Hillel said

Thank you for this info. My 16-year-old daughter has pretty severe cramps every month (and is very vocal about it). Her doc put her on birth control pills, but that doesn’t seem to have helped much, nor do the usual OTC drugs. I’ll get her to try some of these teas instead (since neither she nor I are ready for her to try Cwyn’s last suggestion).

Uniquity said

She should really follow up with her doc regularly as well. Many young women need to try out various birth control options to find the right level of hormones to do some good. And sometimes they stop helping after a few years or even months. I’m sure this has already been looked into as well but there are conditions that can be responsible beyond “normal” ovulation. Or cysts. Anyway, sometimes medical intervention is appropriate/necessary.

Hillel said

You’re right, and we’re on it. In fact, we were just talking about it last night. Her doc initially only gave her a few months prescription as a test and that’s done now. It’s time to go back and have another chat with the doc to see what’s next. I’d hate to see her going through life hating her uterus.

Uniquity said

It’s so variable. Bodies are strange things sometimes. In my experience, she is likely at the worst of it now and will have some regularity in the coming years, but there is nothing wrong with looking at what diet, exercise, and possibly medication can do. She may need/want ultrasounds, etc, to see if there are any cysts or something that are making it worse for her.

EDIT to add: Good luck!

Ost said

Yeah, you guys definitely should look into that. You never know what might really be going on. :S Better to catch something early on before it evolves into something much worse!
As someone with serious health issues in that region, I advise you to not just ignore the problem if you can help it!
Not meaning to scare you or anything-don’t take me wrong. I realize not everyone’s bodies are jacked up like mine. But there’s just a decent amount of people in the world that have problems like that and ignore it till it becomes something really bad!
I really hope it’s not anything serious. It most likely isn’t! But if there is, I really hope it’s an easy fix. Like what Uniquity mentioned!

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