2 Old Teas from the Era of Chairman Mao and the Communist Party

Hello tea lovers,

I recently completed reviewing 2 old teas that comes from a period of time that coincides with the rise of Chairman Mao Zedong and the rule of the Communist Party of China. Each tea has a story to tell so if you are a lover of old teas with history you may wish to check out the entries.


Best, Varat

3 Replies
Anlina said

Your blog is excellent! I don’t know much about puer or aged tea but I really enjoyed reading about these teas and the historical context.

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mrmopar said

Agreed excellent blog !

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Hello Anlina, Mr Mopar,

Thank you for the kind words. I’m glad you enjoyed reading the entries.

I find the history of tea to be rich and eventful. Tea is a fascinating subject. From being a highly valued commodity that sparked global demand, it was even used as a form of currency for exchange (tea money), tea’s medicinal and health properties have been recorded in old literature that dates back over a thousand years, such is tea’s influence on trade it has been connected with causing international wars, the enslavement of large populations and at the same time creating untold wealth, maintaining health and contributing to mental clarity and enlightenment as part of religious rituals and meditation.

All in the name of tea :)

Best, Varat

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