Tea blog- recommendations
Hi there tea lovers,
A couple months ago I began a blog all about tea. At first I was reviewing teas, but then I realized I wanted richer content. Tea articles or informational posts about tea. Basically anything tea related. I’m struggling to think of ideas of things to write about. Does anyone have any good ideas? :)
Your blog looks really good. A lot better than mine. The content seems fairly rich to me. Is your concern more about increasing traffic/readers or more that you feel burned out on ideas?
If it is the latter, this is perfectly normal and expected in the life of a writer. Doing more reading helps me a lot. Things I read will cook in my brain when I’m sleeping or when I’m doing other things, rather unconsciously. This is one example of how you can use your subconscious to do your thinking for you. Chatting with other tea drinkers makes a big difference for me too, especially the emails I exchange with people. Just in the process of writing letters I come out with ideas or lines that become blog posts.
Interestingly, it’s around the 6 month mark when blog writers start to drop off, so stick it out!
I’m the opposite, I have so much to write about, little time to do it and don’t want to spam the crap out of everyone. On top of reviews, I jot down ideas often, even if it’s just a topic, question or idea. My drafts section is scary!
Expand your knowledge and share! Take a few classes and visit some places/events.
If you also set a schedule on how often you will post, that’ll keep you on your toes for creating content (and usually best for readers to be consistent).
I’d try writing about different areas of tea just to figure out what catches you. Using your earlier posts to figure out where you want to take the blog.
On top of teachat, I’d suggest (I suggest this a lot) checking out teatra.de’s community and seeing what the bloggers there blog about.
All of you guys rock! I thought of an idea thanks to you. So next week, my friend who has a blog about cooking and baking is going to guest post about one of her amazing recipes, Assam shrimp. I saw a photo of the end result and I was drooling. I think incorporating food into it is a good idea, because we all have to eat, right?
Mmmm! I have a tea blog as well and I think some of my favourite posts are tea infused recipes. Definitely looking forward to this one from you :)
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