Strange Teavana Instructions: 2oz=25-30 cups but 1oz=2 cups
I got 2 Teavana teas in the mail today; a 2 oz Maharajah Chai Oolong and a 1 oz sample of the Maharajah Chai Oolong/Samurai Chai Mate blend. The 2 oz bag says to use 1-1.5 tsp/serving and that the 2oz bag=25-30 teaspoons/servings (The same instructions proportions apply to a majority of their teas).
So for the 1oz bag I’d assume it’s half of that meaning 12-17 servings. But the instructions say to empty the entire bag (1oz) into 16oz water (2 servings). How does that make sense? I brewed it using 1 tsp for 12oz water and it was pretty strong! Also double checked this blends directions on the site which clearly say to use 1-1.5tsp/ serving.
Curious if this is a marketing ploy so that people who like it will order it after the first use? Or what else could be the reasoning behind this?
The one oz bag is not an ounce of tea. It is tea plus rock sugar. Add the sugar and the tea you have an ounce total, or about three tsp or so of tea plus sugar. That is how Teavana packages their samples from the website.
Thanks; I suppose the sugar takes away some of the tea weight. I counted 12 tsp in total so without rock sugar it seems like there would be around 8 teaspoons of tea left good for 8 cups… Certainly not as few as two as I brewed used 1 tsp for 12 oz and it was rather strong!
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