Tealizzy said

Other uses for teabags

Thought this was kind of cool! Now we have a real use for those bagged teas! ;) j/k!


4 Replies
AllanK said

Unfortunately I long ago threw out all of my Lipton tea bags that I used to have. Never thought there was a use for them.

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Ubacat said

I had some awful Twining Earl Grey black nobody wanted to drink up so I used it to mix in my henna. It’s all gone now but put to good use. A tea blend also makes a nice hair rinse.

OMara said

I’m a blond and I’ve used chamomile teabags to make a hair rinse. It really helps lighten the hair up.

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I’m curious about the mosquito bites. I know that banana peel definitely works.

If you sprinkle wet tea leaves on your floor, the dirt sweeps up much easier.

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