Quality nuo mi xiang 'sticky rice' pu-erh (xpost from TeaChat Forums)
I really love the sticky rice pu-erh, like http://yunnansourcing.com/en/laocangteafactory/2305-sticky-rice-scent-ripe-pu-erh-mini-tuo-cha-nuo-mi-xiang.html this one from Yunnan Sourcing that I currently have, but it’s clearly not of the best quality. The flavor is rather monotone and the steepings run out very quickly. Does anyone know of some quality pu-erh with the sticky rice frangrance that I can purchase with shipping to the US?
www.puerhshop.com sells one. I don’t remember if I have tried it offhand so I don’t know how good it is, but here is the link.
Mandala has rice scented mini tuo. Personally I thought it had too much rice flavor, but then I’ve never had others and not even sure I like it. If you like that flavor profile, it might be worth checking out.
Tao Tea Leaf has shou and sheng rice mini tuo . I love them both. And I do have Lao Cang and fr Puerhshop, but TTL is better IMHO
Shou steeps out quick compare to sheng. So it’s not quality issue
I second boychik on this. Nuo mi xiang shou pu is my go to tuo cha for comfort and thus far Tao Tea Leaf seems to offer the best. I have tried soooo very many… but none have come close to TTL’s.
I enjoy TeaVivre’s rice shou. Unfortunately it only comes in sachets!
I’m still looking, if anyone has recommendations. Tao Tea Leaf is too expensive for shipping to the US for me ($8 for two tuochas!)
Puerhshop is a great vendor, amongst the best service in the industry and I have gotten some good puerh from them.
Another +1 from me. I love puershop’s rice sheng and shou. Their shipping is incredibly inexpensive and quick.
I have 8 tuochas on the way from puerhshop :) I was just nervous because boychik did not have the best things to say. But I see now you were just saying that TTL was better.
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