Noooo. Even my youngster knows not to touch my pots ever. I’m so sorry. I would reboil ( simmer it gently). It went thru sanitizing cycle probably. Poor pot :(((. Lets see if others will give you a better advise.
I’d boil it until all the detergents are gone. Then re-season it, and pray….
Re-boil and start over. Hopefully not too much detergent or random food crud soaked in. Poor you! Poor babysitter! I bet she thought it was so helpful.
I boiled it twice last night for 45 minutes each with two changes of water and a thorough rinse in between, then seasoned with tea overnight. I’ll try a batch of tea later tonight and let you know how it turns out. I’m hoping I don’t have to toss it!
Oh my. Please let us know how it turns out. I’m sorry this happened!!!
I think that boiling will do the trick, hopefully sooner than later. Then it’s maybe just a matter of re-seasoning.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Horror story D: I’m hoping you’ll be able to use it again.
As a babysitter and tea lover, I am horrified. I’m so sorry and I hope it turns out okay.
Well I think I can continue using the tea pot after boiling and re-seasoning. It has lost a bit of it’s luster, but after several steepings I can’t really detect any foreign flavors or unpleasant nastiness in tea brewed in the tea pot, which is a relief. :)
I’m so glad it turned out ok.
that is so awesome that is seems to have survived! I saw this thread and cringed.
Oh wonderful! You may want to try soaking it overnight in some strong tea a few times. Might help bring back some of the patina. I give my yixings overnight “baths” sometimes.
I just read the title and winced. It’s been said, but re-boil once (or a few times) and try to reset the pot. Use you own judgment to see if it has any residual flavor and hope for the best.
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