Puerh Tea and Water Temperature
White2Tea had an interesting blog post about water temperature for puerh tea. Many recommend boiling water for sheng. They don’t for young sheng. Interesting post.
Now I am down the rabbit hole reading their articles. Even though I know how to brew tea gongfu, I love reading about it and watching videos. Lovely.
Hi Allan, how is your day going?
Well TwoDog can say what he wants but I’ve seen him boil brew the crap out of his 2014 Manzhuan.
I like a little astringency and bite in my raw puerh so I go with boiling for all. I think infusion time and brewing method make a difference too. I always use either a gaiwan or yixing and relative short brew times. I probably wouldn’t be so brash if I was brewing a western fashion.
I do boiling as well. Unless it turns out undrinkably bitter, in which case I’ll lower the temp.
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