Toronto Tea Festival 2015

39 Replies
Sil select said

I am happy…didn’t buy much tea – Cavocorax and i split a couple but my “win” for this year was my travel gaiwan thingy… soo happy with it!

Ubacat said

Wow! That is so pretty!

Lindsay said

Niiiice. :)

TippysTea said

Ohhh that is pretty!

Kaylee said


ashmanra said

I love it!

TeaLady441 said
Sil select said

yours is awesome too!

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scribbles said

I got back a while ago from the festival. I didn’t buy a lot of tea – a couple of cakes from Jalam. But I bought these:

Sil select said

which cakes did you get from jalam?!

scribbles said

Naka unfermented and Manmai fermented. I wanted to buy them all, but had to restrain myself

Sil select said

nice! also love the cups you picked up…those were the ones i almost went for but opted for the gaiwan set thingy

scribbles said

I wish I saw that gaiwan! It’s beautiful!

Sil select said

it was at zhen tea…they had things on their back bookcase thing…that didn’t LOOK like they were for sale..but i saw it and was like….I CAN HAZ PLS TO TOUCH! and the man was like..we sell them…. and then i was like ZOMG HOW MUCH FOR MEEEEEEE… and then we made him dig out the “white” one for cavo…and if they’d had the blue one we likely would have gotten that one too lol

looseTman said

scribbles, Your new teacups are very attractive. I especially like the earthen rustic color. Congrat’s

Nice call. love their naka unfermented. i found a new love for Zhen tea, too! I got my first tea pet from them this weekend :)

Sil select said

ZHEN HAD TEA PETS!!!!!!! omg what did you get! i got my gaiwan there but they SO didn’t have pets out when i did!

scribbles said

AAAACKK!!! I missed the gaiwans. I missed the tea pets. Did I completely miss their booth? Sheesh. That’s what I get for rushing.

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scribbles said

Daaaaaammmnnn…totally missed that :(
Glad you got an awesome piece :)

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yyz said

Looks like everyone found some good finds. Wish I could of gone but it didn’t work out this year.

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ashmanra said

My daughters picked up a haul for me but said it can’t have it until my birthday. I took a picture of their Girl Scout cookies and …well…indicated that they would be released at the same time as the tea! :D

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