Life in Teacup has 4 puerh sample sets now
In the vast world of puerh, we understand that most of the time, you’ve got to taste a sample before buying a puerh. This is especially necessary for purchases on products from smaller factories, which can be of greater value and greater risks. Therefore we now put on 4 puerh sample sets at
The sample sets focus on products from Big Tree (not smaller tea bushes), Big Factories (Xia Guan and Da Yi), Smaller Factories and Shu.
Dissembling puerh cakes is a tedious job that I enjoy, as I am improving my puerh butchering skills :-D
I’m coming into a great love for puerh and samples are key as I find myself daunted by the amount that is out there. Will most definitely be putting another order in soon. Gotta try your Long Jing sampler too. And more of the 2010 Dan Cong red. Yup. Soon.
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