1st Annual Texas Tea Festival February 8th
Hi All! We’re in the final throws of planning the 1st Annual Texas Tea Festival in Austin, set for Sunday, February 8th… it’s CRAZY HECTIC around here about now!!! We just found out today James Norwood Pratt himself may grace our event with his presence… not only that, he may speak!
Anyway, I hope you Steeps Peeps will help us spread the word. We’re not in the tea industry and I personally stand to lose a lot of $$ if nobody shows up to the fest! :-O
Thanks in advance and I look forward to seeing your smiling faces there! Advance tickets are only $12 and the first 500 will get a fun goodie bag. Me and my tea tasting group will be getting together to stuff the bags with all the fabulous samples that are currently sitting in my living room later this month.
Fun times!
Yours in tea!
Good luck! I hope the festival goes well. It’s a little too far from New Jersey for me to attend, but I’ll share the info with all of my Texas dwelling friends. :)
OMG i had no idea. i just bought tix, i am SO THERE. :) GO TEXAS TEA!
Oh cool! I’m not sure yet if I’ll be in town that weekend. Can I get tickets at the door?
This is the first I have heard of the tea festival. Have you been advertising and I’ve just missed or been oblivious to it? Do you know about the meetup group? http://www.meetup.com/Austin-Tea-Geeks/ I’d post it as an event there for some free advertising.
Okay, Steepsters! Who is going? Anyone have any ideas for where to meet? I know my mom & aunts & I will be there really close to opening and we’ll be there all day! I know I want to go to the East Frisian Tea Ceremony talk @ 11:30.
PM me if you want to exchange phone numbers for texting or such like. :)
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