Travelling Teabox?
I’m new to Steepster, but I’m so happy I joined before your cut-off date. If you’ll take a n00b, I really want in on this. :D
Not a tea n00b, just a Steepster n00b. Wish I’d known Steepster existed sooner…although perhaps that would’ve been bad. I probably shouldn’t tell you how much time I’ve spent here since a friend invited me. XD
Maybe once it’s sent this thread could evolve into a discussion about what we put in/take out and why. I’d love to read the reactions of people as they not only open the box, but try what they take out.
I think when that time comes, it would be time for a whole new thread. :) The original post is already getting wicked long, but I’ve been recycling because I thought it’d be best to have it all in the same place and I didn’t want to spam people.
I think a new thread would be a great idea to highlight our reactions.
I can hardly wait for this to start:)
I really really want to join, but I’m concerned that I’d slow its progress. I’m on winter break right now, so I’m home until mid January. After that, though, I’m in my dorm. I suppose it wouldn’t get to me before then, right? So I should sign up with my school address? What if it takes longer than a few months to get to me? Then I’ll be at home!
I’m so torn! I really want to participate, but I don’t want to be the box-ruiner or anything.
Brainstorming here… would your parents mind shipping it to you? Do your parents live close enough where you could drive to pick it up. Do you have a friend staying near campus thru the summer that wouldn’t mind you using their address?
It would probably be smartest to have it shipped home. I’m just worried since it could take up to a week for me to get it after it’s delivered. I really don’t want to be a problem for everyone else.
I think that’d be ok- waiting for it is half the fun anyway. And if the other participants are anything like me, we’ve got plenty of tea to hold us over.:)
Yeah…I didn’t take much convincing. I totally just sent that email! Yaaaay! I’m excited! o
Can’t wait to rec a notice fm Angrboda when the final list is complete and the package is shipped…this ought to be real fun!
I know right? I was telling my daughter about this box at Christmas, I am so excited for this to start, I can hardly contain myself:)
:D i was telling the future hubs about this too and was getting myself all excited about it lol he just said “really? more tea? dont you have enough?” i laughed. :)
YAY! I’m all excited that you’re excited! I’m so looking forward to midnight tomorrow and it has little to do with New Year’s Eve. :) I’m just looking forward to working out the route and mailing the details to everybody and then finally getting the box on the way.
We’ve got nearly 30 participants at this point. :D
My husband looked at me the same way when I was describing how the box worked…I just looked at him and said…And? You know you can never have too much tea! He does not get my passion, but he has accepted the fact that most of my spending money goes toward tea purchases.
Angrboda, thank you for setting this up…you have made us all feel like kids again…just with the anticipation of it all:)
I would normally agree w/ you threewhales that you can never have too much tea, except for I’m getting to the point where I almost have so much tea I won’t be able to drink it before it’s less than fresh.
i let him know that we have more space in our tea cabinet so there is no reason to not fill it. lol thankfully he loves tea as much as me, he just sticks to the 1 or 2 things he likes. and i keep looking to try new things :)
Angrboda, thank you so much for taking this on! i too feel like a kid again waiting for my presents :D
I’m really excited too! I can’t wait to let other Steepsters try the teas I’m wild about, and also expand my horizons!!!
sigh can’t join! I am in Denmark right now, and I don’t know when I get home to Greenland! So frustrating :(
It’s been a whole month since my last TTB left me, I’m ready for another fix! Let the fun begin. (^_^)
Any suggestions as to what you may like to find in the box?
Savory teas and teas that are specificially sold in your country. As an American I’d love to try something only found in Denmark, Canada, etc. That’s the only bad thing about steepster. I get hyped up about some of these tease and then have no clue where to find them.
Jillian, maybe I should have been more definite when I posed the question…what types of teas or tea products…Now I am afraid, very afraid!!
Suggest you post a list of the stops the box is slated to make, in order, with Steepster ID and the state they are in. Then folks could kinda keep track of it’s progress, and estimate how long before the box reaches them. Thank you for your efforts, which have made this adventure a reality!
I chose deliberately not to post the entire list publicly, because some, who don’t have it listed on their profiles, might not be comfortable about me disclosing their locations. I’m the same way myself about using my real name online, so I can understand that sort of thought. Also, if it was me, I would think it would be kind of fun to be surprised about when it was my turn and I figured others might find that fun too.
Those who wish to know the entire list, or just what number recipient they are can email me ([email protected]) and I’ll tell, but I don’t think it should be publicly available.
I think finding out our number is good. Then as it travels we’ll know based on the new thread discussion. W/ shipping (especially internationally) estimating is pretty darn hard. I know there are 29 participants so knowing my number and being able to track the travels on the thread as they are made and not before is good enough for me.
I’d like to know my number in the sequence of recipients — great solution to respecting privacy concerns! I am looking over my best teas, thinking ahead, because I want to add great tea to the box. Must represent San Antonio well, as the big city with small town charm and a growing number of tea-aware peeps. It is good to think of giving the following recipients a choice among wonderful things. This is my first travelling teabox; I’m grateful to Angrboda and all of us for making this work, and I’m thrilled to be participating!
I hope a lot of people will post generously on Steepster discussion thread about their experience with the box. I’m thinking that the thread, along with the log from the box, could be worked into a book form — what do you think? I’d like to co-write it, or just write it. But wait — to whom does the “tale of the traveling teabox” belong? Steepster, Yourself angrboda, the writers of the posts and logs, or whom?
I think this is going to be a great experience, indeed! Looking forward to many new teas :)
Approx how many teas started in the box!?
Not sure yet. I haven’t put it together yet, but I expect to do so tomorrow when I’ve got some stuff to pack the leaves in. It’ll probably be a pretty wide selection from my collection though so the first person on the list has something to choose from.
Awesome! Can’t wait! So…we can put in as many as we want as long as the minimum is the equivalent of what we take, right!?
You can put as many or as few in as you like. When I say try to match the amount of tea going in to the amount going out, I’m thinking more about the weight of the box so that shipping charges doesn’t rise drastically as it gets from place to place. If there’s something you want and it’s a large enough sample, it’s perfectly fine to just take half of it, for example, but you’re not limited to only being allowed to take x kinds of tea out. If there are only two things you’re interested in, you take those. If there are fifteen things you’re interested in, by all means take them all, as long as they’re replaced with something else. :)
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