34 Replies

Hehehe :)

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Or what about?
(it’s really only funny if you are American…)

Ha! That is hilarious.

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SarsyPie said

These are great! I’m out of the loop here on the forums so I was catching up and this was hilarious!

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LOL awesome find Anlina!

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Everune said

I really hope this develops in to a huge thread.

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carol who said

I love them… I agree, I hope this becomes a huge thread! I think a good laugh helps the day more enjoyable. :-D

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SarsyPie said

This one has been posted before, but it still makes me laugh my butt off!


I think hubby is gonna start making his tea this way. ;)

SarsyPie said

But is he man enough for all this effin’ tea!?!?!? :p

RIP IT. DIP IT. SIP IT. (makes me giggle)

I laughed sooo hard at this xD

TeaNTees said

I love you for posting this Sarsonator! It made my day. Just so funny. :)

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SarsyPie said

Here’s one that just came up on reddit. I had never even seen this one before. Gotta love The Onion!!!


Ah, I loves the Onion…

Teatotaler said

What a scream! Loved it!

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carol who said
These are a couple that were on Steepster before but are still very funny. http://youtu.be/Oc4P5ZSDfCQ and Pomegranatephone.com
Everune said

I know that phone doesnt exist, but I want one.

carol who said

I know, right? It’s the best :-D

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Everune said
Uniquity said


I want that as a magnet, a poster, or a t-shirt.. I can’t decide which. lol

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