Super Secret Steepster / Facebook Deal from 52teas
SHHHHHH! Don’t tell the others, but we have a super secret deal page just for our Steepster friends and Facebook fans. You can’t access it from the website, you have to follow the link. Check it out. You won’t be sorry.
Super Secret Steepster / Facebook Fan 52teas page:
hmm…says error 404 not found
I THINK I’ve got it fixed. Please try again.
Every time I try to go and do something snazzy. LOL!
amandajo, just hit “refresh”. Same thing happened to me. I’m thinking there’s quite a bit of traffic hitting that page…and it’s going to go fast.
LOL @ Cofftea: “I found it first!” Made me giggle.
Is it working now for everyone?
I’ve set the website inventory at ten. I may have one or two more sets than that. I will count later and re-adjust, but these are going to go FAST.
Just a few hours left and I’ve only had one taker so far. There’s about 2oz (maybe even a little more) of the Mandarin and Strawberry matchas that I’m going to divide up between everyone who signs up for this. Right now it looks like one person is going to enjoy a seriously nice sized bonus!
I slept on this and this and think I want to cave. The link still works. Can I still buy it?
Super Secret Facebook/Steepster page is back up with another special offer.
Just for the time being. We should have some left over at the end of the event.
I hope there are leftover as I only want two, possibly three, of the reblends. Really want the three I want though!
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