Xia Guan tea ( Berylleb on Ebay)
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I have received a sample from MrMopar and I’m going to review it during today and tomorrow.
I have done a quick rinse and I’m going to use flash steeps for this one. 5gr and boiling water (well, to be precise water just under the boiling point).
The first brew takes me around 5-7sec: The colour is orange/amber. The wet leaves smell like lemons or something like that. The taste is quite similar to the smell of the wet leaves, it has no bitterness or astringency, no smoke. It’s sweet and it has a touch of lemons (something cirtric).
The secod brew It’s with excatly the same pattern, boiling water, flash step: the wet leaves smells like the previous step. The colour of the infused ater it’s exactly the same as previously. SOme of the citric flavour has disapeared, now its more smooth, sweet. Still no bitterness or smoke.
I will contunue diring this afternoon and tomorrow to see how it develops.
3rd brew/ 10 sec, boiling water: it’s sweet, smooth, orange colour. It has some citric flavour but really weak. It has something like mineral flavour.
15sec boiling water: sweet, smooth. No astringency/bitterness, no smoke. Low body.
This is a quite sweet pu but too smooth for me. In my opinion it lacks some complexity and maybe a bit more of body, but for someone who likes really soft pu erhs this is a great choice.
I want to thank to Mrmopar for this sample :)
Flavors: Citrus, Lemon, Mineral, Smooth, Sweet
I have found these “tribute” tuochas to be fairly nice. They seem to be made from good raw materials. Of the ones I have tried from Xiaguan they carry very little of the “smokiness” that they are usually known for. This brews a light amber in the cup. It has a little bitter bite with some citrus thrown in. It has a very good mouthfeel that you can feel all over. It gives up some sweetness on the end. It is not a terribly strong sheng as I had hoped for a little more punch from it. At least it has stayed true brewing for three days now so it does have some lasting power to it. It is a warming sheng to drink on these cold winter days. I would recommend it if you want a smooth non astringent or smoky offering from Xiaguan.
Very nice sheng that has lost the astringency and bitterness. This brews up light on the first two infusions, darkens till the fifth and fades about the seventh. This must have some jingmai material in it as it has that touch of “citrus lemony” taste that jingmai seems to bring. I pushed this one a little far as the eighth infusion is very weak and a touch metallic. Pretty pleasant as most of the 2007’s I have had lately have been pretty smooth. Pretty decent for the $8.00 bucks I paid for it. I may later get one to age more as I think I may get into it again soon.
awesome review (i’m kind of saddened by the fact there is no smokeyness)
maybe the only thing that I miss from this one is a little bit of body. It tastes like some darjeelings, really soft and citric and with a great amount of sweetness.
If you like smoky pu erhs this one is not for you.
yeah i might not like this one :/