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drank Milky Tea by GreenMax
2172 tasting notes

This is a powder mix and only makes about five ounces worth, so I drank it pretty quickly. It has a nice little hit of caffeine and pretty good tea flavor. I didn’t think I would enjoy a tea mix, but this one proved me wrong. I’ll up my rating just a bit, I think.

Boiling 5 OZ / 150 ML

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drank Milky Tea by GreenMax
2172 tasting notes

2020 Advent Swap – Day 8

My roommate and I were trying to be cheap after enjoying a fancy expensive tea on an afternoon out, haha!

I have to ask, Devon Bartholomew, what fancy and expensive tea did you and your roommate enjoy that day?? This one may not be fancy, but it’s certainly hitting the spot tonight. I don’t think I’ve ever had a tea quite like it. Or I guess it would be more of a tea beverage? I’m not sure what to call it. After doing a little searching online, it looks like the main ingredients are black tea powder, milk powder, and sugar, so it reminds me of a powdered hot chocolate in tea form. It doesn’t taste like hot chocolate, of course, but it has that same creamy consistency. It’s like powdered coffee creamer. I think maybe it feels a bit nostalgic as well, even though I’ve never had it before, and it seems right for the holiday season. It’s almost got a bit of a burnt coffee flavor to it, or rather a deep roasted coffee flavor. It is not as simple as I expected, and while it’s not something I would buy a big box of, I am enjoying it tonight.

Flavors: Burnt Sugar, Coffee, Creamy, Roasted

Boiling 5 OZ / 150 ML
Devon Bartholomew

This is tea from Thailand – we had a boba tea (autocorrected to boobs by the way) (with the tapioca balls at bottom) and it was fine dollars a cup so we bought these and tapioca to recreate it. I hope you didn’t drink this at night it had the same amount of caffeine as for small red bulls, I forgot to point that out! Glad you enjoyed!


Ahh, how did the homemade boba go? I’ve been wanting to try making it at home. I did have this at night and was, surprisingly, still able to sleep. :D

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drank Matcha Milk by GreenMax
307 tasting notes

Ahh… that feeling when you realized that you forgot to do something for work at 2am and have to rush to your lab to fix it… even knowing you’re probably doomed anyways. Sigh.

Anyways. This is a nice powdered milk tea mix sealed in serving sized portions. I quite like it. It’s got a good balance of matcha/flavor, creamer, and sugar. Not too sweet. Keep stirring though, the matcha will settle. It’s also nice at room temp. I haven’t tried it cold yet, but a packet only makes about 5oz, so expect it to be watered down if you add ice (duh).

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drank Matcha Milk by GreenMax
278 tasting notes

Not bad! This is a nice matcha, very creamy. I’m not sure why I was expecting a tea bag, but this is a loose powder. It’s a nice way to bring matcha with you when away from home, too.

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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Now I realize this is not an actual tea. But because it says it’s “black tea flavor” (yeah, yeah, go ahead and scrunch up your nose!), I’m calling it tea anyway.

First off, let me explain myself: Sadly I’ve never had an actual boba bubble tea from someone who actually knows what they’re doing. Everyday I would pass by this bakery on my way into work when I lived in Los Angeles. I even stopped in exactly 3 times in five years to grab a healthy donut or two. Anyway, they also had bubble tea on their menu. Did I ever get one? Nope! I always figured the donut was bad enough.

Fast forward to today (in Indianapolis). I wanted to go to the local ethnic market to pick up a few things and saw this. It quickly found it’s way into my cart along with some large black tapioca pearls.

In the few hours I have had this, I’ve sucked down 2 ice cold, delicious glasses. Seriously, that’s all I’ve had today, well other than the thai tea ice cream bar I devoured in the car on the way home. I’ve not had anything else to eat all day… Am I satisfied? YES! This was delicious (and probably oh, so bad for me!).

Two tablespoons (about 30 grams) of this mixed 5 ounces (about 150 ml) of warm water. Pour that into a glass that has about 1 tablespoon (15 grams) of sweetened condensed milk and 1/4 cup of fully cooked tapioca pearls. Ice it down. = AWESOME!

Ignorance is bliss! :)


I love bubble tea. Maybe it’s not technically “tea” but it’s too darn good for me to care!


If you think this is good, you have to a try a real fruit bubble tea – sooo good!


I do love bubble tea too – and yes, I agree, while it isn’t “real tea” it is just so tasty. YUM!


Great day! :)

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