15575 Tasting Notes
HOLY HELL! So for those of you out there who like spicy…. Go, go now and order this. Now admittedly I don’t have a high tolerance for spicy…but I’m working on it. I actually like this tea, though I can’t drink it haha. The tea is beautiful….this smells like Christmas….but then you take a sip…and it’s liquid spice…actually the initial taste isn’t..and if the entire tea was the initial taste, I could drink this. But hiding behind the initial taste is a spicy fiery ninja of liquid fire! HIYAH! Yah that’s right….
The worst part is…I keep trying to drink it, going omg! When it gets to the back of my tongue..and then forgetting its so spicy and trying again. Kinda like childbirth..but with less mess, a delicious taste and not nearly as painful….so not at all but yeah… Except for the forgetting part.
So go…try this if you enjoy a bit of a kick to your tea :)
This is a really nice straight tea. I received this as a sample from Stacy and have been saving it for a cooler night. The tea brews into a beautiful golden brew. It’s not a super strong tea – but the flavouring is really enjoyable. I might just have to pick this up outside of a sample size.
So I brought the rest of my peach oolong to work today to share with the folks here. they’ve been laughing at me all week about my tea consumption and i figured since the masses seem to really enjoy this tea, it might shut them up. Well it did ha! for now… now they want to know how much it costs and where they can get some good tea etc..
In so far as this tea goes, I’ll likely not order it again. While i appreciate the delicate taste of this tea, it’s just not for me. DO NOT let that deter you from trying this tea as I honestly believe that this is a wonderful tea if you can appreciate this type of tea.
So I’m finally giving this one a rating. I tried this at work today, and used water that wasn’t quite boiling. That seems to have helped, though it’s still not as exciting as i hoped it would be. It still smells DIVINE!I just wish the strawberry was more intense. I can get more of the creamy taste out of this brew but it’s still pretty bland.
I’m almost tempted to get Azzrian to send me some of hers to see if this is a bad batch or something. I really wanted to like this tea more than i do :( Here’s hoping the blueberry zabaglione on it’s way is better.
I had trouble with this as well, and I was going to try a 2.5 minute steep time. Have you tried that?
not yet haha. I’m sadly not really set up for cold brewing yet. Small friedge, other half always had a bunch of crap in it etc.. haha i’ll keep that in mind though.
Azzrian – so funny story.. i stared at your comment for like 3 mins trying to figure out what you were talking about.. message you about what… huh? yeah… i’m sleepy this afternoon.
There is something perfectly wonderful about brewing a mug of tea in the morning and taking the few seconds to really savour the smell coming off the dried leaves and the brewed tea. I have really come to adore this tea. It might be one of my favourite now, and what blows my mind some days is how much this feels like a flavoured tea sometimes. This morning, the sun was pretty far up in the sky – an indication that we’ll be turning our clocks back again…but the air was cool and full of smiles. Yeah..the are was full of smiles. I’m pretty sure that fall is my favourite season and i love the change as we blur from summer to fall. This tea complements that shift.
Lovely picture…we blur into Fall and the sky is full of smiles! You should write a melody with that.
I really need to make sure this becomes a staple in my cupboard. I was half asleep when i made this in the morning so i didn’t use enough tea but that’s my own fault. However, there is still a wild amount of flavour in this tea. I adore the malty chocolate taste.
So I’ve been trying to get to at least 2-3 samples a day whenever possible. This was another from Azzrian which smells divine! On the downside though, I’m not sure how many of you out there were ever given triaminic as a kid, but they had an orange flavoured one that was my FAVOURITE! I’d sneak tastes here and there whenever i wasn’t sick because i liked the flavour so much.
Where was i going with that? Well this tea? It tastes exactly like that lol. Now of course, i’m older and much wiser, so the taste doesn’t appeal to me quite so much. This would be an excellent summer tea imo though. :)
This tea smells like a plum…one of those plums that you know is just going to burst when you bite into it and leak juice all over your face. I just wish it tasted as delicious. Azzrian sent me this sample for which I am totally grateful :) I’m thinking maybe I brewed it a little hot so I’d like to give it a try changing the brewing parameters before I rate it – maybe even do a cold brew.
All that being said, it’s not a bad tasting tea…the scent just doesn’t jive with the taste :)
Hahahaha! That made me laugh. Maybe try using a teaspoon instead of 1 1/2 teaspoons. Also sugar activates the cinnamon and reduces the spice a lot.
Stacy…sure…I know your tricks. I added sugar after trying it on its own and I’m convinced it was hotter ha! There’s a part of me that would love another sample sometime to mix it with like a chocolate tea or something…. Spicy delicious chocolate tea…mmmm
Gurmans Pepper Mango meets Harney Hot Cinnamon Spice? Awesome!
Hahaha, that’s too funny. Sorry, I don’t mean to laugh at your misery. I have no concept of hot since I eat ridiculously hot foods. Well, actually I did a spicy chocolate custom blend for Scott and I plan on adding one permanently. Here’s what he had to say about it: http://steepster.com/teas/butiki-teas/29934-smoldering-chocolate-decadence-custom He chose an awesome name for the blend too.
Oh yeah, add more water to your cup, that may help.
No misery here…. More like funny… Oooooh spicy! Ooh tasty…aaaah spicy….ooh tasty haha
Hahaha. Btw, this is great for colds. I brew it and immediately put my face over it to clear my sinuses when I’m sick and sip it to help clear my throat.
Wel THAT I can imagine!
I do craft shows during the winter and once I was helping a woman while another woman grabbed the sample container for Winter Fire and inhaled really deeply. I saw out of the corner of my eye and was like ‘noooooooo’ but it was too late. She had a look of complete shock on her face then immediately started a crazy sneezing fit.
LOL @ Stacy. I can just see that happening in my mind!